Truth to be said I don’t have much time for knitting these days. Or sewing. Or much else aside from reading and keeping up with ‘life stuff’… you know, the washing and ironing… the cooking (and teenagers never stop eating!)… the hockey… BUT in a couple of months College will be over for this year and I can get back to my old life. I have plans to re-paint my studio and a couple of sewing patterns are calling my name too. Patience. I need to be patience.

In the meantime, a stitch here and a stitch there I managed to finish a pair of scrappy socks for the husband.

Nothing new, same old pattern. Cuff down. 2.5mm needs and a lot of change of colours, although probably less than it seems because those self changing yarns are nothing short of miracolous. I just love how the same leftover balls combined in a different order give you such a different result every time.

A very satisfying project.


I must go back knitting the sweater I was knitting earlier, before I totally forget where I was when I stopped and have to start again. Which would be very annoying.

Today I’m having my first MRI scan… I’m a bit nervous… I’m not claustrophobic but the thought of being stuck in a noisy metal tube for one an hour doesn’t exactly fill me with joy and anticipation. Any tips?

(by the way… nothing serious, just a dodgy shoulder and neck,)

5 thoughts on “*46* scrappy socks #2

  1. Pamela says:

    Just keep your eyes shut the whole time! Then you can imagine that the space is huge as you don’t know any different! It’s what I did both times. I’m not a fan of enclosed spaces which I’m not at liberty to leave. Also as they were scanning for an optic nerve problem there were points where I had to keep my eyes still which is easier if they are shut!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Deb Cox says:

    Do your breathing Monica and before I had my first MRI I thankfully was listening to a broadcast on our CBC radio show and a guest was talking about their experience with the procedures. He was a musician and thought of it as part of a experimental orchestra. All the clanging and banging and bonging. Think of it as music in a very unusual way. There is a pattern if you listen. It worked for me and I don’t like small spaces. Think positive and the outcome is what you are there for. (-: It is one of the easiest medical procedures there is. You just lie there!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. wallflower gone wildflower says:

    good idea! These look like good hubby socks….Maybe I’ll work on knitting some for mine….when IDK…..before he asks me or after he asks me to marry him?

    Liked by 1 person

  4. wallflower gone wildflower says:

    Good idea for hubby socks. I think I’ll knit some for mine too.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. wallflower gone wildflower says:

    I hear it’s better to knit them socks than a scarf….but they’ll love either.

    Liked by 1 person

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